Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tone? That's only for Conservatives

Didn't President Obama recently promise to begin a new era of bipartisan cooperation? Didn't President Obama recently say that he heard the American people say they want both sides to work together? Well, that didn't last long, now did it. As Fox News commentator and radio talk show host Monica Crowley states in her most recent article:

"After the Tucson shooting, when his side went wild blaming conservative "talk" and the "tone" of political discourse for the actions of a lone, deranged maniac, Obama gave a speech extolling the virtues of "civility." He urged a change in "tone." He was, as he always is, focusing us on appearances. That's his way of distracting us from the actual substance of policy debates, because in a center-right nation, liberalism constantly loses those debates. If you're focused on "tone," you're not focused on the vast philosophical differences that separate the right from the left on policy. You're also not focused on the fact that the left's "solutions" over the past two years---ever-greater spending, government intervention in nearly every facet of the economy, brand-new massive entitlements---have failed. Utterly. That's why he wants you focused on 'tone.'

Well, it didn't take long for the left to throw 'tone' right out the window. Wisconsin, like most other states, is broke. There is no money. The new Republican governor, Scott Walker, proposed a bill to take on the unions head-on. The bill would strip most government workers of collective bargaining rights. Ohio Governor John Kasich has proposed the same thing, and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has taken on the powerful state teachers' union and hasn't backed down. Public sector unions are bankrupting this country. Between ever-higher wages and huge negotiated pension and benefits packages, the costs of public workers are pushing states over the edge. These governors have no choice. They've got to bust the unions, renegotiate the union contracts, and move forward with far less generous packages for public employees. It's so bad that even liberal governors of liberal states are acknowledging the need to move in this direction. See: California's governor Jerry Brown and New York's governor Andrew Cuomo. States (like the federal and local governments) simply cannot go on like this. There is no money."

Read Monica's entire article online: Click Here.

1 comment:

  1. This is so very true. The double standard is amazing, especially on the part of the press.
