Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hermain Cain

Herman Cain is serious about running for president. On his website, he states: "The American Dream is under attack. In fact, a recent survey found 67% of the American People believe America is headed in the wrong direction. Sadly, this comes as no surprise to those of us who have watched an out-of-control federal government that spends recklessly, taxes too much and oversteps its Constitutional limits far too often."

He is ceratinaly right on the money with that statement. Does Cain have a real chance at being president? Perhaps not in 2012, but one needs to make a start somewhere. There is also the possibility of being named to a position in a Republican administration, something that always looks good on a resume.

Herman Cain did give a great speech at the American Policy Summit hosted by the Tea Party Patriots. The theme of his speech was that we are awake and fighting for America, as he laid out ideas of how to put America back on the path to prosperity. One of his remarks that got the most applause was when he declared: "We are an exceptional nation and we are going to keep it that way! Mediocre is not in our DNA!"  Here is a link to his speech: Click Here.

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